Protection Up To S$1Mil And Monthly Commitment As Low As S$87.50
Defense Costs and Expenses
Cover out-of-court settlements and legal representation, ensuring comprehensive protection against legal liabilities.
Third-Party Compensation
Provide compensation to third parties for failure to protect their information, mitigating legal liabilities and preserving business relationships.
Multimedia Exposure Protection
Safeguard against hacker-induced defamation, libel, and infringement of IP rights, thereby protecting your business’s reputation.
Tailored Cyber Liability Plans
Customize your coverage to suit your business’s cyber liability risks, ensuring comprehensive protection against legal liabilities
Hacker Financial Crime Cover
Pay compensation to a third party arising out of a hacker’s fraudulent and unauthorized use of confidential information.
Virus Transmission Coverage
Pay for damages caused by the unintentional transmission of a computer virus, effectively mitigating risks and minimizing losses to your business.